Look & feel
Course4.4 average rating (33 reviews)This is the 'Getting started with CERM' training. Learn how to access CERM MIS modules, look up data and adjust the view of each module so it best fits your needs.
Managing Customers
Course4.6 average rating (9 reviews)Learn how to add and manage Customers in CERM
Course4.7 average rating (7 reviews)Learn the basics of estimation in CERM MIS, the cornerstone for the entire workflow in the printing company using CERM
Modify a label calculation
CourseIn this module we cover common questions regarding making any kind of change to an existing label calculation.
Order Processing
Course4.6 average rating (7 reviews)What to do when a product is being ordered? Learn how to manage products and sales orders
Price code
Course5.0 average rating (3 reviews)Free
Tariff definitions
Material management
Course4.5 average rating (2 reviews)Free
Material reservations
Course4.3 average rating (3 reviews)Free
Course4.6 average rating (8 reviews)Free
Product SKU handling
Course4.9 average rating (7 reviews)Free
Warehouse organizing
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)Free
Automatic mail upon shipment
Course5.0 average rating (3 reviews)Free
Document layouts
Course5.0 average rating (2 reviews)Save both time and money by learning to manage, edit and finetune the layouts of your documents yourself! Become the Layout expert in no time.
Multi-table layouts
CourseSave both time and money by learning to manage, edit and finetune the new generation documents layouts yourself! Become the Layout expert in no time.
Smart BI 2.0 - Starter
CourseThis course will take you through the basics of how Smart BI and Power BI are used with your CERM data to enable your business to have more powerful and flexible reports.
Take jobs out of WIP
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)Learn how to close the production phase and ensure reliable numbers and figures for the production costs
Sales invoices
Course4.5 average rating (4 reviews)Free
Credit limits
Course4.0 average rating (1 review)Free
Quality assurance
Course4.5 average rating (4 reviews)To help you assure that high quality standards are maintained in your company, Cerm has a lot of features to help you guard your high requirements and help correct flaws where necessary.
Printing press operator
Course4.5 average rating (4 reviews)Free
Actions to do around New Year
CourseThe end of the year is approaching... It's time to prepare your CERM installation to continue work smoothly in the coming year! This course walks you through the important steps to take.
Data storage, archiving and clean up
CermBoxx 2.0 management
Machine counters
Course5.0 average rating (3 reviews)Free
Import file at startup
Course4.0 average rating (1 review)Walk through these steps to understand the steps that need to be taken to have an optimal preparation to start implementing Cerm at your site.
Setting up Cerm
Course4.0 average rating (2 reviews)Free
Your Project Schedule
Awareness and team roles
CourseAssembling your project management team is a key task when getting started with Cerm! Lift your people to a higher level to drive the change and reach your goal, an efficient production workflow, faster. Assemble your dream team!
Prepress narrow web labels